Thursday, September 3, 2020

What were the political, strategic, and economic implications of the Essay

What were the political, key, and monetary ramifications of the U.S. winning the Spanish-American War - Essay Example One political ramifications is that â€Å"when the level of influence in a global framework is moving, war turns out to be more probable when leaders’ local political results rely upon an ideal national result in the worldwide system†.2 Note that the Americans, because of sensationalist reporting, had felt irritated because of the barbarities that allegedly occurred from the Spanish Occupation in Cuba. Consequently, the state heads were seized to follow the requests of their democratic open to keep away from rout in races despite the fact that they wanted for increasingly tranquil settlement. Besides, winning a war suggests better possibilities in winning the masses’ heart. This move was a type of the customary governmental issues of framing open picture and satisfying the general population. Due to the Cuban War of Independence from Spain, the economy of the United States prompted a downturn because of its overwhelming contribution in the Cuban economy. As the Cubans were liberated, â€Å"the ascent of the United States as a force to be reckoned with got from its benefits on the planet economy. The U.S. portion of world assembling creation climbed...making it by a wide margin the preeminent mechanical nation.† 3 Winning the war against Spain may infer that the US wanted to either liberate Cuba to improve the wellbeing of their economy or to rise as a predominant force to be reckoned with to control financial conditions for national advantages. American’s inferred the fundamental system of assaulting Spain’s different settlements through maritime bombarding. â€Å"Although the war was apparently over Cuba, U.S. powers assaulted Spain’s different settlements. This may be pardoned as deliberately important †had not the United States consequently assimilated these  ­territories† 4 In July, after Santiago had fallen and Spain had just sued for harmony, U.S. powers attacked the Spanish settlement of Puerto Rico. In the Pacific, a U.S. cruiser started shelling Guam and afterward seized

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Effect of Pollution on Mount Everest

Nepal is the little, one of the least fortunate nation of the world. However it is wealthy in characteristic assets and grand excellence including most elevated scopes of Himalayas. Nepal is the home of the eight most elevated mountains out regularly on the planet. Mountain climbers, trekkers and talented experts consistently visit to scale the Mountains in Nepal, which has expanded the quantity of vacationer in Nepal. In the most recent decade, individuals' fascination toward the mountaineering has expanded a great deal, by which number of climbers visiting Mount Everest has likewise been increased.Due to the expanding umber of climbers in the Everest, contamination in and around the Everest has expanded and it needs a unique regard for keep from the contamination. Everest draws in individuals of all around the globe. In the past just not many climbers who think well about the mountains used to come yet today the majority of the intrigued individuals who have enough monetary sources visit Himalayas to ascend the mountain. As indicated by Norbu Sherpa, a mountain visitor control, individuals come to ascend Everest as they need to be popular scaling the tallest mountain on the planet (Wawahare).In the mid 2000s the number f traveler showing up to Nepal was around 400,000 however in most recent two years individuals streaming to Nepal has expanded quickly stretching around 900,000 about triple of beginning 2000s according to the insights given by the Nepal Tourism Statistics in 2012 (Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation ). As the quantities of climbers has expanded, contamination in the most elevated part of the pinnacles has been increased.Pollution in the Everest incorporates nourishments, plastics, jars, gas tanks, papers, climber's gear, human excreta, and furthermore dead assemblages of climbers. As per Norbu Sherpa in the article, â€Å"A Conversation with: Mountain Guide Norbu Sherpa†, if the progression of the climbers is successive, inc reasingly more waste is made (Wawahare). The article â€Å"Everest Maxed Out† distributed on June 2013 in National Geographic Magazine by Mark Jenkins gives data about his getting on Everest and the progression of climbers he saw close to camp Ill and contamination in the Everest.Jenkins says, â€Å"The two standard courses, the Northeast Ridge and the Southeast Ridge, are hazardously packed as well as disgustingly dirtied, with trash spilling out of the icy masses and pyramids of human feces befouling the high camps. And afterward there are the passings. † Pollution because of death of climbers happens particularly because of certain adjustment in climate and climbers who is less experienced or prepared. Regardless of being dirtied, Everest captivates and draws in the climbers toward it each year.As the expanding quantities of trekkers and climbers in the Everest has prompted the contamination, government should attempt to tidy up all the losses in the Everest using t he income they had earned from the travel industry. Norbu says, the administration income through the travel industry has not been use in mountains nor for advantage of Sherpas (Wawahare). Government should make exacting principles and laws to rebuff the individuals who makes contamination in the Everest.If the Climbers didn't bring back their all pre-owned gear's and the rubbish from Everest they ought to lose their store cash and Sherpas ought to be remunerated on the off chance that they carried squanders to the lower base of Everest. And furthermore government, mountaineering offices should restrain the quantity of individuals ascending the mountain in each season or month which won't just assists with controlling contamination yet additionally keeps up the congested roads in Everest. A climbers, aides and Sherpas ought to be given trainings to deal with the extreme eather condition in mountain so passings in the mountains decrease.Decreasing the quantity of passings and constra ining the quantity of climbers on Everest contamination will be controlled and furthermore government should know about the contamination on Everest and use their income for lessening contamination in mountains. Everest is one of the primary factor that world perceives Nepal, so every concerned individual just as government and organizations should control contamination. Controlling contamination it won't just save the magnificence of Everest yet in addition more individuals can have the wonder to scale the Everest in future.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ethnocentrism Essay examples -- ethnocentric culture essays research p

Is it accurate to say that we are restricted in information, in creative mind, and in comprehension by the way of life we experience childhood in? As it were, would we say we are ethnocentric, and if so is it an awful thing? To answer that, one must comprehend what ethnocentrism is. As indicated by Macionis (2004), ethnocentrism is â€Å"the practice of making a decision about another culture by the measures of one’s own culture†. We are not brought into the world with culture; culture is a socially learned conduct, or set of qualities that a given gatherings holds as a standard and are viewed as evident and right. It is these social standards that interface the people of the gathering, which make up a general public. No general public can exist without culture and no culture can exist without a general public (Giddens, Duneier, and Applebaum, 2002). The two are characteristically interlaced. It is difficult to see past one’s own way of life and venture into another for comprehension; we think that its difficult to grasp the way that our certainties and qualities, that are so natural to us, don't speak to well known fact. So what is well known fact; who is correct and who isn't right socially? Here in lays the significance of comprehension ‘cultural relativism’, or â€Å"the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards† (Macionis, 2004), making the past inquiry insignificant since culture itself is available in each general public, it is in this manner, widespread; having no set in stone. Like culture, ethnocentrism is unavoidable and like culture, ethnocentrism is general to all societies somewhat. To guarantee no ethnocentricity is isolated oneself from one’s own way of life. It is just human instinct to be grounded in and intelligent of the way of life that you have been drenched in since birth, as it is your association with your legacy. In this sense, ethnocentrism isn't all awful, and can be useful in advancing social decent variety (Rosaldo, 2000). It turns out to be awful when we don't recognize different societies or we anticipate that others should embrace our social standards since we accept their social standards aren't right. This conduct stems fundamentally from the irksome idea of not understanding the reason for their convictions and values, and from terrorizing because of the unimportant presence of an alternate perspective on standards inside a culture, prompting a compromising air when our social legitimacy is tested. Intersection the lines between societies has gotten progressively basic with mechanical advances. What was previously an existence where societies once in a while c... ...particle cooking demonstrate comparative with the social qualities present in the show itself and in the culinary experts, it is obvious that these distinctions are what characterizes a culture and makes one so altogether different than the other. Figuring out how to acknowledge these distinctions and valuing them for the manners in which they are engrained in the public arena can prompt a gratefulness for that culture. Works Cited Giddens, A., Duneier, M., and Appelbaum, R.P. (n.d.) Welcome to Sociology. Part 3: Culture and Society. Iron Chef. (n.d.) The World News. Macionis, J. J. (2004). Human science, Tenth Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. Manon, Louis R. III (1999, November). Multiculturalism: Walking the Walk. Rosaldo, R. (2000, Winter). Issues in Ethics. Of talent scouts and Soldiers: Separating Cultural and Ethical Relativism. Shotokai. (n.d.) Wikipedia. (2004, March). Iron Chef.

Monday, June 15, 2020

According to Merriam Webster - Free Essay Example

According to Merriam Webster dictionary, a femme fatale is an attractive and seductive woman, especially one who will ultimately bring disaster to a man who becomes involved with her. This idea of vengeful women such has femme fatales has been shown in the arts, mainly in the theatre, for centuries even though this term was well identified in the twentieth century. Clytemnestra proves to be one of the first examples of a femme fatale by murdering her husband to seek revenge for the death of her daughter he sacrificed. As shown in the play Agamemnon, by Aeschylus, Clytemnestra is shown as self-sufficient, and clever. She uses her traits, combined with her seductive charm, to trick Agamemnon. The audience is aware that the murder is obviously planned way before his arrival, showing us how rigid, conniving, and willing she is to go the extra mile to get what she wants. When Agamemnon finally returns to his home, Clytemnestra coaxes Agamemnon into believing he is safe at home by being both obedient and bashful. She had it all planned out to the tee, she did not aggressively attack him the second he arrived and did not scold him for bringing another woman into their house. She simply played the part of a well-behaved housewife until she reveals her plan. Clytemnestra is the example of a classic Femme Fatale. Clytemnestra would be considered every mans worst nightmare. Now, to fully understand Clytemnestra as a femme fatale, one must understand how her character was written according to how the playwright visions the character. According to the backstory of the play, Clytemnestra was the wife of Agamemnon, who was the king of Mycenae, and sailed to Troy as the leader of the Greek army to help his brother Menelaus win back his wife Helen who had been taken by Paris of Troy. But, before he left Greece, Agamemnon had to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia to the goddess Artemis, to please him and avoid confrontation with him. Artemis promised hed allow the winds to blow in Agamemnons favor for the war in Troy. While Agamemnon was fighting the war in Troy, Clytemnestra began plotting the murder of her husband with her new lover, Aegisthus. When the king finally returns, the two lovers eventually over the cores of the play, attack him and cut his throat. Although she has been portrayed as a villain in this Greek tragedy, no one could blame her for wanting the revenge of her daughters death. This plot allows the audience to paint a picture of a justified mother who is seeking revenge for her daughters death and shows that Clytemnestra has been planning this revenge for years and years. Even the old men in the play are scared of Clytemnestra and grow concerned that she is plotting revenge against Agamemnon, but they do not understand to what extent her murder fantasies go to. In the last few lines of the introduction, the chorus states that they will know the future when it comes, which proves that they had no idea what was going on nor did they even want to. Later in the play, Agamemnon returns to the city, where Clytemnestra greets him. She then delivers a long monologue about her love for him, how she was scared that he would not return home from war, and her reasons for sending their son, Orestes away. She even goes into detail about how she was worried that the men of the city would attack her while Agamemnon was away at war and kill Orestes in order to take over the throne. So not only did she gain sympathy for being all alone, she also explains why she chooses to send their son away cutting any suspicion down, though the real reason for him being sent away is so that he would not be able to impede on her plans for vengeance. Clytemnestra uses this to convince Agamemnon that she is still dedicated to their love. She plays the perfect obedient housewife to make sure he is calm and unsuspicious of her plans. Something rather important that stands out too, is that Clytemnestra purposely avoids talking about any of their daughters and she does not bring up Iphigenia ever to Agamemnon, or her death because that would have most likely lead to a fight between the two of them. If that were to happen it could have shown how Clytemnestras grief for her daughter has only grown stronger over the years. Something also worth noting is how Clytemnestra plays to Agamemnons patriarchal value. This was common in ancient Greek society, to only have men in charge, therefore only sons would have been important in the continuation of the family name. Clytemnestra knew that Orestes would have been the next heir to the crown thus being the only child that Agamemnon would really care about. She was clever in doing this in front of everyone in the house to gain more empathy and look even less obvious when murdering her husband. The plan officially begins once Clytemnestra gets Agamemnon to go into the house, but before he does Agamemnon introduces a woman named Cassandra, who is represented as the prize for winning the war. The audience sees the contrast in how cold Agamemnon treats Clytemnestra after her long monologue versus how sweet he treats Cassandra. It is understandable why Clytemnestra would feel anger towards him in this moment. After the murder takes place, Aeschylus has Clytemnestra confessing to the murders and giving a long monologue to the men of Argos. In this monologue she talks about why she killed Agamemnon and Cassandra and explained that she did this for three different reasons. The first most important, and most prominent reason is seeking revenge for her daughters death, then on to punishing Agamemnon for bringing Cassandra into their house, and lastly, to break the ancient curse on the house of Atreus. Aeschylus makes it very clear that he believes she is motivated by the loss of her daughter by having her advocate for her own actions, sacrificed his own child, our daughter, the agony I labored into love. She is obviously more than just a woman driven by the grief of her daughter; she is clever and determined to seek revenge on her husband. Clytemnestra is one of the first representations of a what we now know is a femme fatale. Clytemnestra was undoubtably a strong woman and just as smart as any of the men of her time period. She used her charm and sexuality to seduce Aegisthus (her lover) into planning Agamemnons murder with her along with ultimately take the throne. It is important to also note, that both murders were completed completely on her own showing her strength and willingness for revenge. Clytemnestra fits the mold of a femme fatale by spending her time and energy over the last ten years plotting and planning the murder of her husband and she follows through with this plan by using her womanly gifts. In Aeschyluss Agamemnon, Clytemnestra fits all the descriptions of a classic femme fatale even when the description had not yet been thought of during Ancient Greece.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay about Guns and Violence - 610 Words

Preservation of the 2nd Amendment nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When our forefathers sat down to write the bill of rights they made ten basic rules or freedoms that all Americans are entitled to. For hundreds of years no one has questioned any of those freedoms, that is until recent years. The second amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms. The purpose of this amendment is to be able to form a militia in order to be able to overthrow a repressive government. In recent years the availability and number of guns in the United States has increased. With the media tracking and recording violence, some Americans have begun to question the 2nd amendment’s relevance. With the spree of school and adolescent shootings over recent years†¦show more content†¦The commercial shows a student wearing baggy pants who then proceeds to pull out a small arsenal out of his pants. Moore’s view is that within fear and insecurity of our culture is profitability. The National Association of School Psychologists released a publication recently called â€Å" Attitudes toward Guns and Violence: A Neglected Factor in Youth Aggression and its Prevention†. This publication conducted a survey to try to figure out the reason for such aggression in the youth culture. It found a surprising pattern that the aggressive behavior in children did not change between the 3rd and 5th grades, but rose sharply between the 5th and 6th grades. They credit this to the physiological changes in the mind of the adolescent, mainly puberty. So how can we curve the violent trend Americans are following? The question is far deeper than originally thought. To first approach the violence problem we can look to the media who relentlessly bombards us with violent events. America has become conditioned to violence. The media should limit the violent images and stories they depict and concentrate on with more positive events like community service and helping one another. While the media is being dealt with, America should also try to educate the children about dealing with anger and internal problems at an early age. With these plans in action we can begin to make a more peaceful culture. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The banishment of guns will not affect theShow MoreRelatedGun Violence And The Gun Control1253 Words   |  6 PagesGun Violence in America According to CDC, One person is killed by a firearms every 17 minutes, 87 people are killed during an average day, and 609 are killed every week†(CDC). That means gun violence is out of control, and you can be next. In fact, there s been an increase of mass murders occurring everywhere due to guns. Which has brought our attention to the gun violence in our nation. They say guns are for protection, but in reality there seems to be more murder associated with it. 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The gun issue discussion were evenRead MoreGun Violence : It Is Well Known Gun1543 Words   |  7 PagesGun Violence in America Thomas Leonard February 9, 2017 As it is well known gun violence is a major problem in today’s society, places like Chicago and New York City have a serious epidemic on their hands. It is not uncommon to hear about an incident where a gun was involved in these big cities on a day to day basis, but it’s not just the big cities, these type of things are happening nationwide. There has been an argument for many decades whether the cause of such violence is due to the lack ofRead MoreGuns And Crime And Violence Essay1260 Words   |  6 PagesGuns and crime. These two words sound interesting, right? Now think about it deeply, do they really link to each other? Do guns surely lead to crime and violent issues? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Writing The Reflective Essay Essay - 1666 Words

The Reflective Essay Writing has been one of my favorite hobbies since I was in high school, so I used to spend many hours to writing in my daily journals in Vietnamese. However, when I came to America, I felt more difficult to write and express my thoughts in English because I did not know much vocabularies and lacking grammatical knowledge. Then, I decided to go back to school to improve my writing skills because I recognize the significance of writing in my everyday lives. As a college student, most of the writing assignments are reflections, journals, essays, and research papers. Working as a teacher aide in the preschool classroom, most of my writings are reports, observation, notes, and curriculum planning. At the beginning of the Academic Writing Seminar (AWS 100) when I wrote my first essay assignment, and I found out that writing essays in English were not easy. At the end of the semester, I realize I have learned valuable lessons while working seriously to write assignments for the AWS 100, so this class will be a step with deep preparation to help me successful in writing research papers at Pacific Oaks College. In this essay, I will also introduce the â€Å"best† of my writing, and share my experiences in the process of creating this portfolio. While taking this course, the most valuable piece of information I learned is about development techniques. At the beginning of this class, I had problems with development techniques. I used to focus on answering the questionsShow MoreRelatedThe Reflective Essay My Writing Essay1598 Words   |  7 PagesThe Reflective Essay When I was a child, writing was one of my favorite hobbies, so I used to spend many hours to write in my daily journals. 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The Effects Of Music On A Culture free essay sample

Music has the power to create an atmosphere which ultimately becomes the listeners laity. Whether the individual listens to Rap or Hip/Hop, Country, Gospel, Rhythm and Blues, or Heavy Metal, the musical community of genres dictates how people think, talk, dress, and behave. Breaking down each genre would take years of research, and finding candidates willing to contribute is not an easy task to accomplish when faced with such tremendous goals and expectations. Observation is the quickest and yet the most cost effective way of completing an assignment of this magnitude.Take an individual who enjoys Rap or Hip/Hop, he/she maybe heavily influenced by materialistic non- ensue which holds no true value, and show high signs of communicative barriers between a group of peers with different ethnic backgrounds. He/she may also believe that indulging in illegal activities and having multiple sexual encounters is of far more importance, all the while still believing that he/she deserves a paren t of the year award. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects Of Music On A Culture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Now take an individual, who listens to Gospel, he/she is the complete opposite of someone who plays Rap or Hip/ Hop on a daily basis.Attitudes and manners are noticeable different to begin with, communication between peers tends to be more fluent while maintaining professionalism; common courtesy, and politeness. He/she may also believe in a higher power which provides for them all the necessary needs that make life livable. This individual expresses or relays the same message to those around him/her despite being ridiculed. Finally, take an individual who likes to listen to Heavy Metal. The attire of this individual is dramatically different from the two previous examples.He/she may tend to wear spiked hair, along with wearing jewelry that resembles spikes. The fingernails of this individual may also be painted black in color. He/she may appear to be anti-social, only conversing with those of similar status. This person is normally viewed as an outcast and treated as such. So what can music lead to? Well, the possibilities are endless. Music that has meaning and promotes lyrics with substance (food for thought) could lead to that big promotion in Los Angels most individuals desire.On the other hand, music that promotes anything short of positive lyrics could lead to that lonely prison cell in Oklahoma. The key is finding what positive music is and maximizing it, or; finding what music is a hindrance and excluding it from the thought process all together. Either way, the effects of music on culture is not fictitious; it is very real. Preventative measures needs to be implemented with children to ensure certain types of music do not aid in the corruption of the young mind.Something as simple as monitoring what kind of CD he/she Wants to purchase Online, and denying access to those marked with parental Advisory can aid in the screening process. Another method of preventing children from being influenced is to limit the amount television promoting behavior which should not be viewable by minors. Music videos tend to display content in short clips that may trigger the subconscious, and serve as major problem in the development of the child in later years.In conclusion, music has a way of controlling an individuals thought process, which can ultimately have a positive or negative effect on a persons culture in general. Maintaining constant observation is of high importance and should not be taken lightly when dealing with these issues. It IS imperative that parents monitor and control what children have access to, as it may lead to situations far beyond the normal expectations. This affects everyone, being prepared and having knowledge of what is out there is only the beginning of an endless fight to retain authority.